Where do Profits go?

What you should know about pricing:
-We use Fourthwall to create & ship our products, along with customer service. We need to save our spoons to work on Conquer CRPS, so this was the best decision for us. We also know how CRPS can often affect our pocket books- so we've reduced all 'recommended prices' so YOU get the lowest cost possible. Both of these decisions result in the lowest profits possible. Our FREE resources that we offer to the public are not free for us.. 
-Now that the first batch of orders have come through, we have learned that we are also absorbing a processing fee per order- depending on the location, amount of items & payment method. We will NOT increase our prices, but we encourage for everyone to donate during the checkout process if possible. 
*Also, prices vary depending on where you live. The shop should show you applicable prices in your area.
What about Profits? Where do they go?
Any profits that we earn through the store will be used to maintain our FREE resources & initiatives that Conquer CRPS has been offering, while expanding to include more in the near future. We can only accomplish so much as volunteers.
What is Conquer CRPS?
- We created & maintain a website that is FULL of tools to help everyone Conquer CRPS. So far, it includes: Tips & tricks, Research Article Library, Resources near you, Financial benefit & Legal resources (Canadian residents only for now) and Education materials- with more coming soon! www.conquercrps.com (this has an annual & monthly fees that we absorb to make this possible & free for all of you)
- We created 4 CRPS related Surveys last year & have spent months analyzing the data to share with all of you. (Another expensive choice, but the data is priceless for further research). The survey results have been sent to a doctor & her team of researchers for further analysis & studies. HUGE CRPS RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON!
- We have been organizing the Walk to Conquer CRPS since 2018 to raise funds for research projects on 2 NEW CRPS treatment options. CRPS Warriors & their support squads celebrate in their own communities on the same day around the world, for the same cause- to Conquer CRPS (you don't have to walk, Kristen is the organizer & she has CRPS in her feet!) -2024 Announcement COMING SOON!
- We've been offering weekly group support services & 1 on 1 support sessions through Zoom & Discord for both CRPS Patients & their support persons. These meetings often exceed the free 1 hour, so we've upgraded our Zoom services so that we can be there for those who need us- when they need us.
- We partner with other incredible organizations to raise CRPS Awareness. Like Color the World Orange & their incredible mission for November. Since 2020, Conquer CRPS has helped patients across Canada receive Proclamations from their Premiers to OFFICIALLY Proclaim November as CRPS Awareness Month in their Province so we can Color the World Orange here in Canada (please email crpsdreamteam@gmail.com to represent YOUR Province this November)
- We raise CRPS Awareness on Facebook, Instagram, Threads & Discord with original CRPS Awareness, Educational & Inspirational content.
- We've recently started a Youtube channel for people with Chronic Pain called Painfully Fabulous, to again- raise CRPS Awareness to populations who might not know about it yet. 
-There is more, but we are also LIVING WITH CRPS- so our memories are affected too!
These incredible accomplishments wouldn't be possible without countless hours of spoons, sweat & tears throughout the years FROM CRPS WARRIORS. We have been so dedicated to creating these changes within the CRPS community that we have absorbed all fees that were necessary to make these little things possible, but we can only do so much as volunteers and we want to do more 
With our own CRPS conditions worsening & our goals for the future expanding, we had to find a way to Conquer this situation.
That's why we created the Conquer CRPS store. So that others can support our free resources & possible start-up costs for expansion, by purchasing themselves or their loved one something from the store.
THANK YOU for supporting Conquer CRPS initiatives. 'We Are Stronger Together & Together We WILL Conquer CRPS'